Is a battery a cost-effective option for my photovoltaic system?

Since it is not always the most optimal and profitable solution, at Emsolar we carry out personalised studies analysing each project individually.

Here we show an example of a 600-kW installation realised in 2021 with its own battery system. Whether or not to install batteries is an open question that depends in part on the physical capacity available for the installation of photovoltaic panels and the energy consumption requirements of the project.
Since it is not always the most optimal and profitable solution, at Emsolar we carry out personalised studies analysing each project individually and verifying in each case whether the installation of batteries for a photovoltaic installation is interesting or not.

If you have any questions, you can contact us through the various means we offer to find out more and get more information.
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Instalación fotovoltaica en ASFALTOS DEL SURESTE

Instalación fotovoltaica en CONGESA

Instalación fotovoltaica en CUBIPLAYA

Instalación fotovoltaica en GREYPE

Instalación fotovoltaica en FINCA LO MAZÓN

Instalación fotovoltaica en EL MIRADOR

FInstalación fotovoltaica en FAMA SOFÁS

Instalación fotovoltaica en GRANJA TOMÁS PÉREZ

Interview with Adolfo García CEO of Camposeven

Interview with Gregorio Conesa, Greype Manager

Interview with Vicente, Limorte Decopiel CEO.

Instalación fotovoltaica en HIMOINSA

Instalación fotovoltaica en SALAZONES GARRE

Instalación fotovoltaica en ULTRACONGELADOS AZARBE

Instalación fotovoltaica en CAMPING LO MONTE

Instalación fotovoltaica en FEDERACIÓN DE FÚTBOL DE MURCIA

Instalación fotovoltaica en FAMA SOFÁS

Instalación fotovoltaica en POSTRES REINA

Instalación fotovoltaica en GESTOCKAL

Instalación fotovoltaica en GENERICA

Instalación fotovoltaica en PUROMASTER

Instalación fotovoltaica en CRESPO MERCEDES-BENZ

Instalación fotovoltaica en HORTAMIRA

Instalación fotovoltaica en OLEORRESINAS

Get in touch with Emsolar


Phone: 868 045 912

Instalación fotovoltaica en JIMBOFRESH

Instalación fotovoltaica en CAMPOSEVEN